Saturday, February 27, 2010

Network Intrusion: The Advanced IPS Evasion Techniques

As most of you may know that the Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) should protect vulnerable hosts from remote exploits. However, there are occassions where exploits can apply multiple evasion methods to bypass these detection mechanisms and break into the system. There are many hacking tools which apply multiple IDS/IPS evasion techniques but these tools are more exploit oriented rather than evasion oriented.

Known Evasion Techniques

-IP Fragmentation with manipulated fragment size and order
-IP Random Options
-TCP segmentation with manipulated segment size and order
-TCP Time Wait
-TCP Urgent Pointer
-SMB Fragmentation
-SMB Transaction Write Method
-SMB Write/Read Padding
-SMB Transaction Method fragmentation
-SMB Session Mixing
-MSRPC Multibind (bind to multiple unnecessary or non-existent context + the vulnerable context)
-MSRPC fragmentation
-MSRPC encryption
-MSRPC Alter Context
-MSRPC Object Reference
-MSRPC Endian Manipulation

Evasion Method

IPS signatures can be evaded completely if the protocol stacks do not understand the evasions and normalize the traffic over the network. For example, SMB and MSRPC signatures should not worry about fragmentation, padding, extra methods or other randomizations. More of these examples are discussed below.

IP Random Options

-Fill IP Packet with random Options
-If the target host and the IPS device disagree about the validity of the packet, the target host may see different data than the IPS.

TCP Time Wait

-Open and close a TCP connection. Open a new TCP-connection to the same service using the same TCP-source port. According the TCP RFC, the TCP client MUST wait "TIME-Wait Delay" amount of seconds before reusing a port.

-If the attacker uses his own TCP/IP Stack, he can open and close a TCP-connection and immediately open a new TCP connection using the same source port.

TCP Urgent Pointer

-Insert one byte into a TCP-stream.
-TCP-Server chooses whether to use or discard the added byte.
-An IPS device inspection can be evaded by clever use of the urgent pointer.
-Example: TCP Stream: GETP / (P is urgent data)
IPS looks: GETP /
Apache looks: GET /

SMB Session Mixing

It is possible to use multiple resources over the same SMB-session within the single TCP-connection at same time. Simultaneously read and write into multiple files.

SMB Write/Read Padding

-The write and read commands have an offset pointer that can be used for padding.
-All data after the SMB header till the pointed byte should be discarded.

MSRPC Alter Context

The client may change the current context using the Alter Context Method. All subsequent requests then go to the new context.
Example: The client binds to non vulnerable context and then changes into a vulnerable context and sends the exploit.

MSRPC Object Reference

Adding an Object Reference (UUID) to an MSRPC Request Header enlarges the header by 16 bytes, and thus moves the MSRPC payload 16 bytes forward.

IPS Evasion Tool - Predator (IPForge)

-Evasions for attack "CVE-2008-4250"

-IP fragmentation, --ip_frag:
8byte: Fragment IP payload into 8 byte fragments
16byte: Fragment IP payload into 16 byte fragments
24byte Fragment IP payload into 24 byte fragments
256byte Fragment IP payload into 256 byte fragments
random_order: Send fragments in a random order
out_of_order: Send one fragment out of order
fwd_overwrite Perform forward overwriting with fragments
last_first Send last fragment first
one_duplicate Send one duplicate fragment

-IP evasion, --ip_evasion:
random_options: Send random IP options

-TCP fragmentation, --tcp_frag:
1byte Fragment TCP payload into 1 byte segments

-TCP evasion, --tcp_evasion:
time_wait Open a decoy connection and attack from same ip:port while in time-wait
urgent_ptr Insert meaningless data into 1 byte urgent segments

-SMB fragmentation, --smb_frag:
16byte Fragment SMB payload into 16 byte fragments
256byte Fragment SMB payload into 256 byte fragments

-SMB evasion, --smb_evasion:
andx_connect Negotiate SMB session and connect to a tree connect an AndX message
decoy_trees Open decoy SMB tree connects in the same TCP stream as the attack
read_offset Use random offsets in SMB read operations
pad_write_random Pad SMB write commands with a random sized block of random data
pad_write_static Pad SMB write commands with a static sized block of random data
random_write_method Use a random SMB write method ( TRANSACT / WRITE )
write_offset Use random offsets in SMB write operation

-MSRPC fragmentation, --msrpc_
frag: 16byte Fragment MSRPC payload into 16 byte fragments
256byte Fragment MSRPC payload into 256 byte fragments

-MSRPC evasion, --msrpc_evasion:
big_endian Communicate in big endian format
random_object: Add a random object reference to MSRPC requests
alter_context: Bind to a random context and then alter to the correct ip